2016 IGNITE! Festival for Emerging Artists
Clowning around on the cycle track for Calgary IGNITE! Fest (Metro News; June 13, 2016)
Calgary improvisers play with their food (Metro News; June 14, 2016)
Calgary theatre scene fires up for Ignite! (Calgary Sun; June 16, 2016)
Expanded Ignite! Festival set to heat up theatre scene (Calgary Herald; June 17, 2016)
IGNITE! Festival opens doors for Calgary emerging artists (Metro News; June 20, 2016)
IGNITE! Festival of Emerging Artists is back and bigger than ever (What's On in Calgary; June 21, 2016)
Calgary entertainment: 5 things to do in the first weekend of summer (CBC News Calgary; June 25, 2016)*
*Included radio interview with IGNITE! Festival presenters on CBC Calgary's The Homestretch, June 24, 2016.
Due to the nature of the IGNITE! Festival's short-run offerings, no reviews were provided.
During the week of June 21 to 26, 2016, Sage Theatre's annual IGNITE! Festival for Emerging Artists returned for it's 12th consecutive, expanding to six days of events and performances in theatre, dance, and interdisciplinary arts. I returned as IGNITE! Festival publicist for the second time, working with Sage Theatre Artistic Director Jason Mehmel, and IGNITE! Festival Director Charles Netto, between May and June 2016.